Frank Haroche

Sporting Director & Matchmaker

Brief info

Professional Career 

The former 6x French Welter and Super Welterweight champion and former IBF International Super Welterweight champion.
Frank was renowned for being a relentless fighter, disciplined behind an excellent physique, a superb defense and a granite chin. Frank was rarely stopped in his 68 fights over his fourteen-year professional career.
Frank has fought on many box-office and televised boxing events, across the very best broadcasters, from SkySports, EuroSport, Canal+ and BoxNation.

Boxing Industry 

Frank has always been passionate about giving the next generation of boxers the same chances he got to experience in his career and making sure they are managed and protected in the right way. Since retiring in 2019, this has been Frank's focus and as matchmaker for many exciting talents and future stars, he has built a growing reputation amongst the biggest boxing promotions in the world as a trusted matchmaker. From this, Frank has already showcased some of his fighters at major box office events across UK, US and Europe.
With the rapid success of Matchmaking and Boxing Management, building a fighter portfolio from across Europe and the Middle East that continues to grow at a huge pace, Frank is in charge to the Matchmaking Branch.

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Branch in UAE & France

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